

Reflektion från Fr. Neary

Nine were cured, and a tenth was healed. The nine saw again and the last one was grateful and lifted his heart in praise and thanks.
He was a man  of another country, not liked by the followers of Jesus, yet his heart was like the heart of Jesus, thankful and light.
The word ‘thanks’ can change an atmosphere. It is one of the most important words between people who are in ordinary and consistent relationships. With those we love, with those with whom we work, live with, and with whom life is shared, it is a word that deepens the bond among us. It brings a lightness among us.
A grateful heart
The christian heart is a grateful heart.  We sometimes find people whose lives are very difficult and disabled on the outside but heave a heart of thanks on the inside. They are the people who thank for what they have, rather than whine over what they have not.
The thanks of the Samaritan brought him into a sort of unity with Jesus and with the others who looked on him as a foreigner. Thanks can bring enemies together. When we thank for the same things, we shatter barriers.
New Life
The nine were cured, and probably did well for Jesus in their reports. But the tenth brought the new life of Jesus to others from a grateful heart.
Give thanks this day for the ordinary, for the people who are always there, for t he goodness of God. Give thanks, and in giving thanks we will be more like Jesus, the one whose life and words thank God his Father.

Donal Neary SJ.


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